Sunday, June 21, 2009

iM lEaViNg

Hey Everyone!
I'm leaving and I won't be back until Wednesday. So, if I am not answering my phone don't be mad! Lol! I won't have phone service either.
Wondering where I am going? TO BAD I AM NOT GOING TO TELL YOU!!! *Evil laugh*
Okay, yeah sorry! I am in a really weird mood. I am going to Moab for four days.
As we all know my step dad has a really bad sickness that he could die from. So, the company he gets his medicen from spoils him and his family.
So, Katie and I got invited to what is called a teen retreat. It's an activity for teens to get away. So, they are taking Katie and I camping in Moab. We are going river rafting, canoeing, hiking, and rock climbing. Then, on the way back they drop us off at seven peaks to swim. From Seven peaks they take us to meet our parents, and then we all go to a huge fancy dinner!
So, now you guys know why I won't be answering my phone.
I'll come back with tons of pics you guys might want to see. :D
I'm going to miss you guys! I love you all so much!