Monday, June 29, 2009

Jessica's First Sleep Over At My House.

Hey everyone who cares, everyone who pretends to care, and everyone who is just plain bored and has nothing better to do.
Jessica slept over at my house last night... :(
I feel so bad. I told her it was a bad idea but she didn't listen. I haven't had a friend sleep over in two years. The first year I was here I was depressed and the thought of trying to make someone else comfortable when I can't even make myself comfortable would be just to much to deal with. Then, the other year I just didn't invite anyone. It's not like anyone would want to come meet my exotic family.
So, we started the day by watching transformers at the movies... the new one. IT WAS AWSOME!!!
Then, we got to my house and I like panicked. I've been to plenty of other people's houses to know some things that really bug me. So, I sat there freaking out wondering if she was bored, if she was not feeling good. Yeah. So... I am pretty sure I got annoying to her trying to figure out if there was anything she needed. If the things I picked were good enough. I just UGH!

Yeah... I feel terrible right now. I haven't had a friend over in forever.


Sarah said...

Im sure it wasnt as bad as it seems...somtimes i feel that way when i invite new people to my house. and yes i will admit its very stressfull :P

~Sarah~ said...

so anywaysss you should help me figure out my blog this is confusing :P haha