Thursday, January 29, 2009

A page in the book...

She sat there wondering how many time he thinks about her a day. If he does at all. She wishes she could see inside his head. Wondering whats on his mind. When he gets that look on his face. She wonders who the mysterious girl is he talks about. She wonders if she would ever get a chance. but she is not willing to take the chance.

She sits at the computer talking to an old friend. She wonders if her friend will ever change. She is so sick of not being good enough. She is sick of her friend acting like she has everything. She is sick of not being able to express herself. She tries to look at all the good times. but there is none. fighting, not talking, jealousy and selfishness got in the way. She is sick of her friend bragging about everything she has. and how over achieved she is. She will never measure up. and will not try. She will not sink up to the selfish level her friend got caught in. And for a fraction of a second she feels bad for her friend.


Jordan LaBar said...

Oh did you write that about you? And thanx! I didnt have anything to say but i wanted to post! lol well i am good!! I am tired but gr8! Watcha doing tomorrow?