I don't really feel like writing right now so I'm just going to tell you some of the things.
We stayed at my Aunt Katie and Uncle Travis's house. I know Aunt Katie isn't that so weird? I would say Katie and they both would look at me lol.
The ride sucked. haha. There and back. Friday we went swimming in this lake there. It was so pretty. We got home and had a barbecue then jumped into their hot tub.
YOU GUYS THAT HOT TUB WAS SO AMAZIN! It was so clean and the lights in it changed colors and it wasn't too hot or too cold and I found a heart shape in the sky.
Then Saturday we drove down to New Mexico and did a little school shopping. I got skinny jeans, converse's, thi weird cute orange jacket, flatts, and long socks. Haha I'm buying things this year i wouldnt normally.
Then, we drove back today.
I have a little cousin Logan he is so cute! He didn't cry once and he is always smiling. I hate kids but he was so cute!
Tomorrow my older sister Ashley flys in. Then the first week in August she is going to camp with us. No not girls camp. ick. But this other camp. It's going to be fun!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Posted by KaceeL7 at 2:47 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I can never say I'm sorry.
"I had to relearn to walk twice." He was like,
"Really?" I said,
"Yeah, I walked through ashes bare foot, and then I got frost bite." Then, he asked what it was like... This is what I said,
"Yeah, they had to rip the skin off. Then, my dad yelled at me because I was crying. Then, he made me walk on them. :( I still can remember how mad I was at him. All he wanted was the best for me. He only made me walk on them to help me out. I was so mean to him. I'll never get to tell him I am sorry."
I didn't even realized I said that until he asked me why I can't say sorry. I got thinking about it after I said that. Now, I notice how much of a jealous person I am. I see my friend's talking about there dad's, or I see them with their dad's, and I just get jealous. I would give anything to have that happen to me again. Then, I hear my friend's and how they don't get along with their dad's. I just wish I could have that oppurtunity again.
I wish I could tell my dad how sorry I am. I treated him so badly. Last night I pulled out cards he sent me for my birthday's. They all said "I miss you" and "I hope to see you soon". Now, I am the one saying I miss you, and he is probably in heaven watching me thinking what a selfish daughter he raised. Nah, my dad wouldn't think that.
Isn't it ironic how in the blink of an eye how every thing can change? Don't you think it's crazy how much one person influences your life? Don't you ever wonder how from something that seemed so terrible at the time means the world to you later?
So, yeah. Dad if ever you're looking down on me I want you to know how sorry I am. I wish I could tell it to your face. There's so much I wish I could do better, but I can't change the past. I love you dad, I miss you, and I am so sorry.
Posted by KaceeL7 at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
You guys my cousins Vince and Crush just moved up to Alaska. I'm soo jealous i miss it so much.
I want to go back. I am sick of Utah. I want to go back so bad. And no one go and pretend to care saying that if i didnt move back you guys wouldnt have met me or that you will miss me because you're all lying. I want to go back so bad i miss it so much!!!
Posted by KaceeL7 at 8:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
Posted by KaceeL7 at 3:47 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Satin's Mirrors.
Posted by KaceeL7 at 5:46 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Dead Inside.
Posted by KaceeL7 at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Okay lets get this straight...
Posted by KaceeL7 at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I am proud of myself you guys.
I weigh only nine pounds more than Katie. KATIE STOPPED EATING!!! That means I lost weight the right way. :D I had a dresser full of clothes that were to small that I wanted to be able to fit into and I can now!!! I can fit into jeans katie wears. I lost like 20 pounds. At my mom's work they have a doctor's scale and the guy weighed me and I lost that much!!! I am so excited! I still want to loose more. I weight 4 pounds less then I am supposed to. I still just want to loose like 20 more. Then, I'll be happy with myself. :D Also, I grew 1/2 an inch this summer. I am now taller than my sister. So, during all the time I was supposed to gain weight!!!! I'm proud of myself. So, we can say that my list of summer goals in completely finished!
Also, I've had people come up to me and tell me that I lost weight, that I look good, healthy, and happy. :D
Now, just to help my sister gain more muscle.
Posted by KaceeL7 at 3:35 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The Way It Is For Girls Like Me.
Posted by KaceeL7 at 7:59 PM 1 comments
Labels: fake people, Hard times, hurt, lifes not fair, not having enough
Oh so it all comes out...

Posted by KaceeL7 at 1:30 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Story Of My Life.
Posted by KaceeL7 at 9:04 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Goals This Summer That I Have Accomplished!

Okay, so I decided my goals are harder than I expected them to be, but I am determinded to do them!
The ones that I have accomplished are:
1.) Getting a tan.
2.) Dye my hair Brown... well black but its brown now.
3.) Go swimming at the Mona res.
4.) NO TV!
Ones that I need to work on:
1.) Loose three inchese in my waiste. (I have been working on them. It's not like I haven't tried. My step dad used to be a personal trainer he said abs are the hardest thing on your body to tighten. So, Hopefully I will be able to tighten them before school starts. Hey don't judge me! I still have like what two months anyways?)
2.) Instead of getting on the computer I'll go running. (Haha. I don't have an excuse I'm addicted to the computer. Lol. I will try harder lol.)
3.) One compliment a day. (Okay, I didn't realize how corney this goal was haha. But I am still going to do it. So, from now on today for the rest of the month everday I will look in the mirror and give myself a freaking compliment.)
Okay, so now I just need to spend the rest of my summer complimenting myself, doing crunches, and running. Haha. It's going to be harder than it sounds!!!
Posted by KaceeL7 at 10:27 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I'm Strong?
I got told today by a friend that means a lot to me that she thought I was strong. So, I've spent all day wondering what the real meaning of strong is.
I just can't figure it out.
I definately don't think of myself as strong. I cry way to much, I get hurt easily, and I find myself not forgiving people. I feel myself falling apart when people need me the most, and I judge things before I get to know them or do them.
I think I have a different opinion on things.
A while ago I was talking to someone and I told them they were perfect. This person said, "I am no where near perfect. I cut, I lost my friends, and no one trusts me anymore."
I said, "To me you are perfect you quit cutting, you lost your friends but still you know how to be a friend, and you may not have people to trust you but you still trust other people. To me thats perfect."
Maybe being strong or perfect is not what the person see's in themselves, but what other people see in them.
Does anyone else have anything to say that can answer what the meaning of strong or perfect is?
Posted by KaceeL7 at 6:49 PM 0 comments
*My Dad* Everyone looks for a hero, but most people never find them. Sometimes what you're looking for is right infront of you the whole time. In most cases... Especially mine. When you open your eyes to see what is infront you... its to late. That one hero your spent your life looking for was watching you the whole time. My hero is now dead. Don't let your hero die before your truly get to meet him. I love you dad, and I miss you more then you will ever know.
Posted by KaceeL7 at 12:20 PM 0 comments