Sunday, July 26, 2009


I don't really feel like writing right now so I'm just going to tell you some of the things.

We stayed at my Aunt Katie and Uncle Travis's house. I know Aunt Katie isn't that so weird? I would say Katie and they both would look at me lol.

The ride sucked. haha. There and back. Friday we went swimming in this lake there. It was so pretty. We got home and had a barbecue then jumped into their hot tub.

YOU GUYS THAT HOT TUB WAS SO AMAZIN! It was so clean and the lights in it changed colors and it wasn't too hot or too cold and I found a heart shape in the sky.

Then Saturday we drove down to New Mexico and did a little school shopping. I got skinny jeans, converse's, thi weird cute orange jacket, flatts, and long socks. Haha I'm buying things this year i wouldnt normally.

Then, we drove back today.

I have a little cousin Logan he is so cute! He didn't cry once and he is always smiling. I hate kids but he was so cute!

Tomorrow my older sister Ashley flys in. Then the first week in August she is going to camp with us. No not girls camp. ick. But this other camp. It's going to be fun!


Jordan LaBar said...

Hey kacee...My new number is 623-1620! :) call when eva! haha By the way yur hair looked SO CUTE when I saw it today! It made me want to go darker! haha but I dont want to have to keep it up! lol my hair grows back to fast! :( Ah well.............haha lol By the way did you say yur sister did it?