Okay, so I decided my goals are harder than I expected them to be, but I am determinded to do them!
The ones that I have accomplished are:
1.) Getting a tan.
2.) Dye my hair Brown... well black but its brown now.
3.) Go swimming at the Mona res.
4.) NO TV!
Ones that I need to work on:
1.) Loose three inchese in my waiste. (I have been working on them. It's not like I haven't tried. My step dad used to be a personal trainer he said abs are the hardest thing on your body to tighten. So, Hopefully I will be able to tighten them before school starts. Hey don't judge me! I still have like what two months anyways?)
2.) Instead of getting on the computer I'll go running. (Haha. I don't have an excuse I'm addicted to the computer. Lol. I will try harder lol.)
3.) One compliment a day. (Okay, I didn't realize how corney this goal was haha. But I am still going to do it. So, from now on today for the rest of the month everday I will look in the mirror and give myself a freaking compliment.)
Okay, so now I just need to spend the rest of my summer complimenting myself, doing crunches, and running. Haha. It's going to be harder than it sounds!!!
I decided that I will only spend an hour on the computer. Haha. Ususally I spend four or five hours on it. Haha. So, I can still do what I love and get some exercise. Isn't summer supposed to be what you enjoy doing? That way I don't get all depressed with myself lol.
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