Monday, March 23, 2009


Last night I didn't get any sleep.
This morning my alarm clock went off twenty minutes early.
I turn it off and lay back down on my bed thinking I would not fall asleep. Being I didn't sleep last night.
My stupid luck... I fell asleep.

I get up and only have like half an hour before the bus came.
Thinking I had all the time in the world I crimped my hair.
Well really its naturally curly.
So I didn't think it would take long.
Before I know it Katie is yelling, "KACEE ITS TIME TO GO!"
I am sitting there still in the clothes I fell asleep in.
No make up, top half on my hair.... not done.
I forgot about my hair and I put some eyeliner on.
I jumped into my clothes, grabbed my mascar, eye shadow, books and ran out the door.
I ran 1/4 of a mile in 2 minutes.
Everyone at my bus stop sat there laughing at me.
Pretending not to care, thinking I was going to have a great day; I got on the bus.

Sitting on the bus no one had a mirror.
I sat there with just eyeliner on.
Then, of course Perisun had to point it out.
Thanks, really!
He didn't mean it to be mean.
or at least I dont think he did.
I dont blame him.
I am scary without makeup.

I get to school and run to the bathrooms!
I pull my hair now frizzy and half done, into a half pony tail.
I hurry and put some eye shadow on, and come to realize I LOST MY MASCARA!
I give up still determined to have a good day.

Then I get out in the hall surrounded by Andrea, Jessica, Korryn, Alora, and some other people.
Then, I hear Matt saying, "HEY KACEE!"
I turn around to look at him and bang my head on Korryns locker. Yeah some of them saw and started laughing.....
wonder how bad I blushed!!! URGH!

First hour, somehow I made it out alive.

Second hour, we are working on posters for the elementary school.
We have to use pastels.
I somehow get green on both sides of my WHITE shirt!
All up and down my arms.
It wouldn't come out.

On my way to third hour I see Natalie.
I ask to wear her jacket but OF COURSE my arms are toooooo long for it.
(It was pink I didn't want to wear pink anyways! (No offense Natalie (haha or Jessica)))
Then I run into the Gym real quick and throw on my gym shirt.
Its baggy, and dirty. Great.
I left it and used my only mascara that is like years old. (no joke)
It didn't work.
I go to third hour...

Third hour, I lost all hope.

By then, Man I just quit trying.
Ashlee Rowe completely just lifted me up when she complimented my half done hair.
Man, I felt like she just kicked all my stress off my shoulders.
and all it took is one compliment.

Gym came next...
Totally just let me put all my frustration on the game.
I probably would have like killed myself if basketball wasn't there to save me!
I decide to put my white shirt on.
Then I have more people saying they liked my hair.
lol joking.

Lunch time!
I was so excited for lunch...
you see...
I have a fast matabolism and I didn't have a huge breakfast so I pretty much burned all those calories not only running for the bus, but basketball too!
I get myself a big lunch and sit down.
The first thing I grab.
I open it and take a sip, and the whole thing spills in my lap.
I am sitting there like HOLEY CRAP!!!
So luckily for my Lindsey Palmer has a napkin!
I take it and pretty much loose my appitite...
But I still eat.
A little.

Then, Jessica meets up with me and we walk to Mrs. Sanders room.
I get in there laying on the table telling everyone about my horrible day.
And talking about other things, and I knock a thing of pencils over.
Jessica is laughing histarically.
Then there is me, sitting there about to cry.
How can my day seriously be going THIS bad?
The bell rings, and I rush to get out of that place.

well its was chior.

English, I didn't finish my biography.
great, now homework.
Choke. Gag. Cough.

Science-We get new groups.
Lindsey Canfield, preston sidaway, and Colton H.
Preston is sitting there moving our assignment.
Lindsey and I did the whole freaking thing.
It wasn't hard.
But then there was Preston sitting there being perverted.


So yeah, there was my day....

Haven't finished English homework crap.
and not I am sitting here wondering how can I be sucha CLUTZ!!!?!?!?!


So, thanks to those who gave me compliments saying I looked cute when I didn't.
Those to listened to me complain.
Those who told me you couldn't see the green pastel when clearly you could.
