Monday, March 30, 2009

Stress Finally Gone!

The stress with fighting with Shelbie is gone! Everything is good now, and we are buddies! I talked to her over the phone, and I apologized for everything. We both agreed that if we made a move over our fight we could become rich. We would make a movie out of it and put it as a dramatic TV show!

Anyways, so lately we all are aware of my race to loose weight. If you are not then your not allowed to be my friend anymore. Lol. Just joking!
I've had tons of people ask me why I am trying to loose weight. Now, if you cant clearly see how big I was getting here are some different reasons:

1) Its my new years resolution.
2) Have you seen those movies on TV shows where girls have those nice lines that separate there abs? You know how they almost look like six packs? Well that's what I want. My mom said getting that will be extra hard work because of the different figure I have. I have athletic type figure. If you don't know what that is it means that your rib cage is like square and makes you look stronger then girls with just plain hour glass figure.
3) My sister Katie stopped eating for a while. Her not eating was a result of mostly our dads death and how our peers, and and us are handling it. Well, she has not been handling it well. She stopped eating. She recently let me know she can fit in size one pants. Now, I want you to think about this. What would it be like standing next to this skinny girl, your fat, and all the guys like your sister. If you suddenly felt like crap then you get the picture of what it is like for me. So, seeing how gross and unhealthy she looks, I decided to loose weight the right and more healthy way.

So yeah. Thanks for listening, reading...
What ever!


Jordan LaBar said...

Thats good that you are friends with her again! UGH Well i will have to tell you about this girl here that i swear is A total jerk AND I hate her! UGH UGH UGH LOL Well I g2g! By the way you will have to tell me how you are losing weight cause no matter what I do i cant seem to lose anything!!! love jordan