Sunday, March 29, 2009

Warning: Teenage Zone Enter At Your Own Risk!

Jessica and Natalie being bugs in the bug life flower thingy ma bober.

Jessica in her future shower. lol.

Jessicas future dinner room. =)

Jessicas future kitchen. lol. You should have seen her she was so excited!

Haha. Extremely bad picture. But this is my future room. we were at a furnature store and this room was set up. I liked it alot!

The first girl ever to be taller then me! LOL!

lol. My tan. lol. I look like a blonde mexican. lol. sorry its a bad picture.


Jordan LaBar said...

Holy Smokes kacee...You are extremely pretty! You look hot in that picture! lol NO I AM NOT HITTING ON YOU!! i am just saying you are so cute!!!!! LOL Well see ya