Monday, February 2, 2009

Basketball Tryouts...

Okay. I want to try out for the eighth grade basketball team. but I dont think I would make it. I am not very good. Just very tall. I SOMETIMES make the basket and I am usually there when someone needs to pass to someone. I can dribble, I wouldn't say I am horrible. I just dont think I would be able to make the team. We got some way good girls at our school that rock! I suck compared to them! I think I may get the guts to try out. I will suck it up if I dont make the team. Probably feel like i retard. lol. and a loser. lol. I guess I would have to accept the fact that I am a loser. lol this is a moment when I would say, "THE COOLEST LOSER YOU HAVE EVER SEEN" lol. but this is a serious topic. lol. even though I feel like a huge spaz to be worried over something like this. lol. Goll, I really am a loser lol.
point is. I want to try out! but I dont think I have the guts.


Jordan LaBar said...

LOL The only reason you would be a loser is if you dont try out!! And no His name really isnt carl! LOL And yes he is a basket ball player and you will laugh at me if i tell you who it is cause you know him! LOL Hey by the way try out! I know you will be great!!

Marine Girl said...

dude u said u were the tallest girl at ur skool! that means that u would b a center and they rarely shoot...they usually catch the rebound and then get the ball to a guard or they play the defense