Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I really did have something excited to say, but I forgot it. Man, I was so excited to tell you too! Whoever you may be. Lol. I think Jordan, because I think she is the only one that reads this. Apparently my mom has been to. She thinks most of this stuff should be put in my journal. I mean why? Katie reads it anyways.

This is so much more fun then a journal. Except there is this one journal my friend Emily got me... ITS SO GORGEOUS! Yes, I did just call a journal gorgeous. You guys would have to see it to understand. I dont have the guts to write in it afraid I will ruin it.

This is not what I logged on to write about. There was something that happened that I NEED to tell you guys about. I CANT THINK OF IT! This is going to drive me crazy!

OH WAIT! I remember now! I went to my mom with deep hope in my eyes and this is what I said, "Mom, Because I am the sunshine of your day. The reason the sun comes up every morning. The light of your life. That feeling you get when you achieve something that seemed impossible, or when you have gotten your dream. Because I always do everything asked of me. Because I have good grades. And just because you completely love me soooooo much that you couldn't help BUT say no. Could I visit Emily summer?"

The reality of all this; I did not make that speech. I was just making it more interesting for Jordan lol. Anyways she said we could make that a possibility! I am sooo excited! I LOVE EMILY SHE IS SO NICE! I wish she lived down here. Anyways, just thought I should tell you guys why I was so excited...

worth the reading?