Saturday, February 14, 2009

I Dyed My Hair

so if the title was not enough for you

(i look so pale! its darker in reality and thats a bad picture... so sorry if i blinded you!!!)

I dyed my hair!
its a light brown
everyone keeps telling me it does not look different
and that bugs me
it does to me
way different
I like it
so does my mom
although we both want it darker
hopefully she will get some more dye so we can MAKE IT LOOK DIFFERENT
I hope people at school will think its different
i dont see how it DOESNT look different
because i went from ALMOST platinum blonde
to light brown
how can there not be a different
well i have to go clean the kitchen
kucky me-
(yes, I was being sarcastic)


Jordan LaBar said...

Oh I can see the difference and I think it looks cute! LOL So you should help me dye the top layer of my hair blonde! I really wanna get it dont but i dont want to go to someplace and get it done! LOL Wait who did yur hair?